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WHY 142?

If you are looking for a small, boy-led scouting opportunity, then Troop 142 is for you.


Troop 142 is mentored by dedicated, trained adult leaders and Eagle scouts. We strive to maintain a safe and supportive environment that encourages scouts to lead and learn valuable life skills. 


The vast majority of the boys who have made it to First Class in our Troop have gone on to earn their Eagle scout rank.  This is because the small troop atmosphere allows boys the opportunity to hold leadership positions and progress through class ranks as quickly as a boy wishes to go.

For a small troop, this organization does BIG activities.  Each month, the boys enjoy a local camping experience.  Every year, the troop attends both summer camp and high adventure camp, something most large troops don’t achieve!  We are also very involved in our community through volunteer activities.

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